Thursday, September 18, 2008

Lots Of pictures

They are always picking on me haha jk
Staci and Tyler (the plant) How CUTE!!
The movie we watched the night of the ADVENTURE

More Pics

Yes these are our cupboards...I don't think
we'll be shopping till next fall
Amy and Staci wanted Pinaple
Our 15 rolls of paper towels!!
Our salt water taffy and super cute candy dishes
Our matching scripture bags!!


Our three grocery carts
same pic new people
our legs got tired so we decided to crawl
I don't know why I'm still on the floor
Our Grandma Rose packed fridge!!

Storing Up For Winter!!

BIG NEWS!!! So we all went to the grocery store and made a mistake... we each took our own cart. Bad idea. Haha. Plus we were really hungry and Chrystal had a chocolate craving. (In the spongebob guys voice) One Hour Later... we were the big brigade terrorizing the isles of Macey's with our 3 FULL carts of food!! Several dollars later and by several I mean ALOT, we left the building with our winter stock and lifetime supply of granola bars. Oh and matching scripture bags for our dusty scriptures (Amy). While we were driving we realized that maybe all of stuff might not fit in our little kitchen... but STACI to the rescue!!! Staci packed up all the groceries in the cupboards and fridge Grandma Rose style... We even fit 15 rolls of paper towels under the sink!! So now that we don't need to go to the grocery store until next year we thought we better document our amazing adventure in the good old town of Logan, Ut. Hehe Below are some AWESOME pics of our escapade.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Real Meal

Amy and I (Chrystal) made spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, and my version of better than kissing cake. It was way fun and actually pretty good to eat haha.

Amy makin cake
Reliving our childhood

Amy eating her spaghetti
I know no veggies but it was still good
One part of our living room
The other part of our living room
OUR PLANT (we love this thing)
Our lovely kitchen


Well after a few days of school have been accomplished we have a few minutes to update our blog. Here are some pictures of the actual apartment! We love it here and our other roommate is super cute too.